Friday, July 27, 2012

Landscaping Projects

 I was so excited to get these pavers.  My dream is to have paths all over the back yard for the kids to walk on.  Shaun's dream is for me to think up projects that don't require him to move sprinkler heads.  But he was actually excited about this one too because we created an outdoor kitchen area for him to put his barbque on.  In the picture above on the right side you can see the extension on the patio that we did with the square pavers (thanks mom and dad).  You can also see how quickly the kids took over the space for a game they were playing.  Then the circle pavers start and go all the way around the outside of the area.
 The path continues all the way around and ends on the other side.  See the porch in the background.

 I also did a little path around the rose garden.

 An other project I've been working on is the area in the front yard.  It was covered in bark, which I didn't like.  I removed all the bark (and weeds) and added a wishing well, birdbath, and pot then replaced the bark with rock instead.  I also did a large rock boarder around the outside to prevent the dirt washing out when it rains.  The center area has 4 strawberry plants which are actually doing well and producing strawberries.  Of course Cole picks them as soon as is slightly resembles and strawberry, even if is is still green.
This is a better close up of the backyard area.  I had to cut the juniper way back but it will fill in and not look so brown next year ( I hope).  We are hosting a cookout on Saturday so we'll get to try out the space right away.


Jane said...

Looks good. I bet you were stiff and sore after that.

Heather Jewell said...

Great job guys!

I love the little well you added in, too cute.